2016上海國際建筑工業化展覽會(BIC 2016)同期活動,BetonTage asia 2016 上海國際建筑工業化峰會將于2016年11月14日至15日在上海卓美亞喜瑪拉雅酒店隆重舉行?! ?br /> Welcome to BetonTage asia 2016 Shanghai International Building Industrialization Congress.Date: November14th & 15th, 2016
Venue: Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel, Shanghai, China
Scale: 500
BTA 演講大咖!
安德烈.丁斯特 先生
德國蒙斯特科技大學 土木工程管理碩士
德國多蒙特混凝土工業研究所 混凝土工程師
Mr. Andre Dienst
M.Sc. Civil Engineering from University of applied science in Muenster/Germany
Concrete Eng. VDB from Institute of German Concrete Industry in Dortmund/GermanyVita
在一家德國頂級預制混凝土工廠學習工作期間,安德烈先生參與了各種不同人工的,半自動機械化以及全自動化的預制件混凝土制造。同期,參與發展了ERP 和自動化處理系統,研發了混凝土新技術以及用可再生原料制作新墻體系統(木制混凝土)。
Learning the business in Germany from one of the top manufacturers, Andre was involved in all kind of manual as well as automated precast concrete manufacturing. Development of ERP and automated handling systems, R&D in Concrete Technology as well as new wall systems with renewable raw materials (wood concrete)
After leaving Germany he went to Middle East and lead his new company to market leadership after restructuring, following the world financial crisis in 2008. Implementation of modern precast related CAD applications and ERP system, contemporary concrete technology and manufacturing as well as installation methods.
中東之后的下一個里程碑是在印度開發了世界上最大的預制建筑集成化施工工廠。它屬于KEF集團,包括了最新的自動化和機械化預制混凝土制造,房間模塊制造,MEP模塊化生產,細木工以及窗戶和幕墻系統自動化,天然石材加工。總而言之,這是目前全球唯一一家能制造所有預制組件的集成化工廠?! ?br /> The next milestone was developing the world's largest facility for fully integrated off site construction in India. The facility belonging to KEF Infra includes latest automated and mechanized precast concrete manufacturing, Room module manufacturing, modular MEP production, Joinery as well as Window and facade systems inclusive automated natural stone processing. All in all the only facility worldwide capable of manufacturing all building components completely off-site and fully integrated.
在自動化生產混凝土預制件行業,擁有二十多年一線成功經驗積累的安德烈.丁斯特(Andre Dienst)先生,完成了多項重大工程。 如今,在預制混凝土工業成功發展的今天,安德烈先生決定創建以他為核心的獨立專業的預制建筑咨詢團隊,能夠服務于整個行業,幫助對預制房屋構建有需求和興趣的公司和企業, 為他們提供專業的技術咨詢和管理培訓服務。
After spending more than 20 successful years in the industry of automated manufacturing of Precast Concrete elements and having accomplished all different kinds of projects he decided to setup his own firm to be able to serve the industry as a whole and help investors, companies and individuals realizing their aspirations with a team of experts.
About Preconpro
Preconpro Consulting was founded by Andre Dienst after more than 20 years of experience in setting up and operating automated plants for the manufacturing of Precast Concrete Elements.
We offer independent consultancy and planning services for the industrial manufacturing of Precast Concrete Elements and all related businesses worldwide. We strongly believe that the full integration of associated services like prefabricated room Pods, modular MEP, interiors and windows will lead to the building solutions of the future.
無論您是想在您的建筑工地(或者其附近)建立人工澆筑設施,還是您打算建立自動化設施的最高水平 – 培爾步( PreConPro)在這里指導您完成整個過程。
Whether you want to set up manual casting facilities on or close to your construction site or you intend to build state of the art facilities with highest level of automation - PreConPro is here to guide you through the complete process.
Automated Production of Precast Concrete
and additional integral building elements
馮 女士 Ms.Fiona Feng
+86 21 6195 3506
王 女士 Ms. Stacy Wang
86 21 6195 3504